Urban development

Urban Development

My Peter-McGill


Collective Impact Project - Phase 1

In the 1st year of the project:

  • 2 public elementary schools in the district were announced

  • An agreement was signed to create the Peter McGill Integrated Community Centre

  • We consulted over 500 residents in our surveys

  • We facilitated over 15 activities and workshops, bringing together over 450 people



The committee
Neighbourhood Life

aims to bring people together to bring life to the
the Peter McGill neighbourhood!

Project Manager

let's bring our neighborhood to life

Your voice is at the heart of the project!

Get involved in creating a neighbourhood that reflects you.
There are many ways to get involved!

Le projet est financé par le Projet Impact Collectif et porté par la Table de quartier Peter-McGill avec le soutien de plusieurs organismes communautaires, incluant Innovation jeunes et le Centre jeunesse emploi Montréal – centre-ville.