Last updated on Friday, June 5, 2020
This is a non-exhaustive list of services and important information related to life during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will update this list as we receive information from our partners. If you would like to add something to the list, please e-mail us at

- Call 514-644-4545 if you have flu like symptoms, including fever, cough or difficulty breathing
- Go to the COVID-19 walk-in clinic is now located in the former Hotel Dieu hospital (109, av. des Pins), open 7 days a week from 8am to 8pm.
- The appointment only drive-thru screening clinic in Côte Saint-Luc has been moved to the Jewish General Hospital outside Pavillion H. To get an appointment, call 1 877 644-4545;
- Testing is FREE FOR EVERYONE. RAMQ or other health insurance is not required.
- Multilingual public health information is available thanks to the Alliance des communautés culturelles pour l’égalité (ACCÉESSS)
- Self-care guide created by the Quebec gouvernement
Québec has announced a Public Health Emergency
The following services are closed:
- All non-essential services and businesses
- Restaurant dining rooms (take-out and delivery are still open)
- Daycare services (except for essential personnel)
- Schools, Cegeps and Universities
- Grocery stores are closed on Sundays.
Gradual resumption of services and activities:
- Outside gatherings of 10 people or less, from a maximum of 3 households are now permitted
- Retail businesses with direct access to the outside will be permitted to open on May 25
- Museums and libraries (circulation desk only), will re-open on May 29
- Daycares will re-open on June 1
- Dental and therapeutic services as well as pet grooming care will be able to reopen on June 1
- Day camps are set to open in Quebec on June 22
- Elementary schools will not open before the end of August
- More information
- To find out which services are open or closed, consult this website (in FR only)
Health Guidelines
- If you may have been in exposed, if you have travelled recently or if you have flu symptoms or are waiting for test results, you must to isolate 14 days.
- *NEW* It is recommended that all Quebecers wear masks or face coverings in public
- It is recommended that all Quebecers stay home as much as possible.
- If you must leave the house, maintain a distance of 2 meters between yourself and others at all times, and wash your hands regularly.
- All non-necessary or permitted interior and exterior gatherings are prohibited. Fines will be given to offenders;
- People over 70 should not leave their residences. To protect them, visits and outings are prohibited in senior residences;
- More information:
- 1-877-644-4545
Federal Programs
- Applications are now open for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit
- 2,000$ per month up to 4 months
- For workers who must stop working or reduce their hours due to COVID-19 and do not have access to paid leave or other income support
- This benefit is now available to workers making less than 1,000$ per month.
- Consult the official FAQ for more information
- Employment Insurance (EI)
- 1-833-381-2725
- For other benefits visit the Government of Canada website
Quebec Programs
- Temporary Aid for Workers – Program for Quebec workers who are isolation because:
- They have contracted the virus or present symptoms
- They have been in contact with an infected person
- They have returned from abroad
- $573 per week for 14-28 days
- Incentive Program to Retain Essential Workers (IPREW)
- Program to retroactively compensate essential workers who earn less than the Canada Emergency Response Benefit
- 100$ per week for a maximum of 16 weeks
- Applications begin May 19
- Consult this online tool to determine what type(s) of assistance are available to you
- *NEW* La société d’habitation du Québec (SHQ) is offering a 1,500$ interest free loan to tenants to pay their rent. (Info in FR only)
- *NEW* The SHQ is also offering 2,000$/month in temporary housing reimbursement for a maximum two months for those who must delay their move-in date due to COVID-19. (Info in FR only)
Taxes, Loans, Mortgage and Hydro
- Taxes: Both Federal and Provincial tax deadlines have been postponed to June 1st
- Credit Relief: 6 major Canadian banks have offered personalized plans to defer mortgage payments by 6 months and provide relief on other credit products. Call your bank for more information.
- Hydro Québec will not cut power to any customer and there will be no administration charges for unpaid bills until further notice.
- Student Loans: Quebec and Canada student loan debt repayment, including interest, has been postponed for 6 months
Health Services
- Before going to the hospital, call 1-877-644-4545 or fill out the following online form
- CLSC Métro is open with modified hours. If you have flu symptoms, call 1-877-644-4545 before visiting the clinic
- *NEW* – For an online family medicine appointment, consult Québec Medical Appointment Scheduler
- Doctors of the World is operating a mobile health clinic for essential service workers as well as the homeless. Open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. Call 514 949-2199 or 514 953-8325
- *NEW* View the City of Montreal’s interactive map of health corridors to find out where streets have been widened or made pedestrian only in order to encourage social distancing
- Over ten toilets with sinks have been installed in Ville-Marie. Toilets are cleaned once a day by the City of Montreal. View a map of available toilets here.
Pharmacies and Medication Delivery
- The following pharmacies provide medication delivery:
- Proxim Kazimierz Babinski et Mohamed I. Kotb (1245 Notre-Dame St. West) Tel: 514.931.2333
- Uniprix Amir Helkany inc. (450A 895 rue de la Gauchetière O). Tel: 514-861-8947
- Pharmacists will now be able to prescribe some medications and extend prescriptions
Grocery Store Delivery
- Supermarché P.A. (1420 du Fort) provides delivery for orders over 35$. Fees range between 3.50$ and 7$ depending on how much you order. Orders can be placed online for an additional fee of 3$. 514-932-0922
- Marché Adonis (2173 rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest) provides delivery – email or call (514) 933-4747
*NEW* Meal, grocery and medication delivery for Seniors
- The Volunteer Bureau of Montreal’s Meals on Wheels program for Seniors is still running. Please note that it does not serve all areas of Peter-McGill. More information: | 514.842.3351
- The Yellow Door offers a volunteer friendly errands service for seniors 55+. Leave a message at 514-845-2600 x2
- Entraide Bénévole Métro offers a volunteer grocery shopping service. 514-939-9575
- New errand and delivery service by volunteers or paid staff via Montreal Errands
*NEW* Low-Cost Food Services
- Innovation Assistance offers grocery and medication delivery service for those who cannot leave their homes. Low-cost and free food options are available in limited supply. 514-843-3996
- The Centre des femmes de Montréal offers bi-monthly food baskets to women in need. Emergency baskets are available – (514) 842-4780
Emergency Meals
- *NEW* – Free meals are available every day in Cabot Square (Atwater/Ste-Catherine) from 9am-3pm and in Place du Canada (René-Lévesque/Peel) from 9am-4pm
- *NEW* The Women’s Centre of Montreal offers phone counselling and psychosocial support to women in need, including those experiencing domestic violence. Call 514 842 4780
- S.O.S Violence conjugale: Free bilingual helpline for those experiencing domestic violence. 1 800 363-9010
- For any questions regarding moving, please contact 3-1-1. Those who need help for housing researches could be redirected to the OMHM;
Housing Rights
- *NEW* The Régie du logement will resume hearings starting on June 1st 2020. The effect of any decision or judgment ordering the eviction of the tenant or occupant remains suspended until July 6th.
- Fill out the survey from the Regroupement des comités logement et associations de locataires du Québec (RCLALQ) about the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on tenants in Quebec (available in FR only)
- More Information:
- FAQ for tenants during COVID-19 (RCLALQ)
- Comité logement Ville-Marie (CLVM) : Available by e-mail or phone only to answer your questions about housing. | 514-521-5992
Public Health Recommendations
- Guidelines for extermination during COVID-19 period (in FR only)
- Information for landlords and tenants of buildings with 10+ units
- Consult the Société d’habitation du Quebec guide on moving during COVID-19 (in FR only).
Finding Housing
- Find housing using the OMHM’s new online tool
- If you think you may not find housing and are at risk of being homeless on July 1st, call the OMHM referral service and emergency number at 514-868-4002
Job Search Services
- Carrefour jeunesse Emploi- Centre-ville are offering services via e-mail and phone – – 514-875-9770
- YES Montreal is offering all of its services by phone and e-mail, as well as various webinars and online workshops
- Le Y des femmes is offering an employment and orientation service by phone and video conference.
- The Women’s Centre of Montreal is offering employment counselling by phone and video conferencing. 514 842-6652
- *NEW* CREMCV offers employment search and professional orientation services. Services are currently offered at a distance.
Job Postings
- The Quebec healthcare sector is actively looking for staff (administration, nurses etc.)
- Tel-Aide: Free listening and support line in English & French. 514-935-1101
- S.O.S Violence conjugale: Free bilingual helpline for those experiencing domestic violence. 1 800 363-9010
- Tel-Aînés: Confidential listening and referral line for seniors 60+ (FR only). Call 514 353-2463 or 1 877 353-2460
- L’Appui — Caregiver support line: Bilingual phone support and reference line for caregivers of the elderly 1 855 852-7784
- Ligne Aide Abus Aînés: Bilingual helpline for seniors subject mistreatment or abuse, particularly in health & social services networks. 1 888 489-ABUS (2287)
- Ligne Parents: Helpline and referrals for parents (FR only) 1 800 361-5085
- Hope for Wellness: Support Line for Indigenous Peoples. Online chat available. 24/7. 1-855-242-3310. Available in English, French, Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut
- *NEW*: Infographic – Access to care depending on your status
- The Women’s Centre of Montréal offers support to newcomers to Canada. Call 514 842 4780 with your questions.
Solidarity Across Borders is organising a fundraiser for migrants without a statuts. To get support: contact: 514-809-0773/
- *NEW* Many documents translated into 16 languages are now available on the Santé Montréal Website
- *NEW* List of multilingual COVID-19 resources compiled by the CIUSSS and updated regularly
- Multilingual public health information is available thanks to L’alliance des communautés culturelles pour l’égalité (ACCÉESSS)
- Testing, Self-Isolation and Self-Management handouts created by a group of doctors and translated into 20 languages
- Information on financial assistance in multiple languages created by volunteers
- COVID-19 information in Inuktitut
- Staying at home means saving lives (15 languages)
- About Coronavirus Disease (25 languages)
- How to isolate at home (21 languages)
- Reduce the spread of COVID-19 – Wash your hands (25 languages)
- Physical distancing (7 languages)
- Vulnerable populations and COVID-19 (22 languages)
- Be prepared (COVID-19) (25 languages)
- Preventing COVID-19 in the workplace (30 languages)
- A Pan-Canadian response to COVID-19 (7 languages)
- Advice for caregivers (22 languages)
- Know the facts – COVID-19 (19 languages)
- Protect yourself from COVID-19 – Basic instructions (16 languages)
- Immigration Status and Access to Healthcare (3 languages)
- Free legal information phone line ou 1 866 699-9729 (toll-free)
- The Y des femmes Legal Information Clinic is offering appointments by phone and e-mail.
- In case of stress, anxiety or depression related to COVID-19, consult this page or contact 8-1-1 .
- PRO-GAM is offering up to 3 free psychotherapy sessions over the phone for adults that are experiencing marital or family related stress during the pandemic. Contact 514 270-8462 | to book an appointment.
- MTL COVID-19 Mobilisation d’entraide Facebook Group
- The Mon / My Peter-McGill Facebook group has temporarily become a COVID-19 mutual aid group. Offer or request help (meals, a listening ear, donations etc…), and share information with your neighbours, elected officials and local organisations
- The Milton-Parc Citizens Committee now has a Neighbours Helping Neighbours group, which serves the Milton-Parc, Downtown and Plateau areas.
- Government recommendations for those participating in mutual aid groups (in FR only)
- McGill University COVID-19 Support Group
- *NEW* The Montreal Diet Dispensary is now offering free online workshops for pregnant mothers. Community workers are available by phone from 9am-4:30pm on weekdays at 514 937-5375 to answer your questions about breastfeeding, parenting and more.
- Open School, the Quebec Government’s new online learning platform is now live!
- All playgrounds are currently closed in Peter-McGill. While Mont-Royal Park is open, all activities and facilities are closed (including the skating rink, tubing and pavillions)
- Daycares are closed except to parents working in essential services
- Allô prof provides free homework help online and by phone (FR only)
- Education resources provided by the CSDM (in FR only)
- Sabine Philippidès, local mom and Family Liaison for Families Downtown is an incredible resource for services and information. E-mail her at and check out her updates on Facebook (including at home activities and very cute photos of her and her kids!)
Online Groups for Parents
- YWCA online support and discussion group for parents with children aged 0-5
- YWCA online support and discussion group for parents with children aged 6-12
- Mother Goose is now offering activities for babies and toddlers (singing, stories and more) on Zoom, Monday to Friday at 10am. Sign-Up
- Innovation Youth has several Story Time videos on its Facebook Page. They also have a YouTube channel with various activities!
- Éco-quartier Peter-McGill is providing DIY recipes on its Facebook page.
- The YMCA Centre-Ville is offering online exercise classes and activities for kids on its Facebook page
- *NEW* Seniors living in Montreal and at risk during heat waves can apply for free air conditioners at
- Groupe Harmonie is providing support services by phone (514 939-2640) and email
- The Yellow Door is offering friendly calls, errands, accompaniment to medical appointments as well as online wellness groups. Call 514-845-2600 x2. and leave a message or email
- Supermarché P.A. (1420 du Fort) is open from 7am-8am to prioritize clients over 60.
- The YWCA is offering support to caregivers by phone, e-mail and video chat.
- *NEW* The YMCA Youth Zone is now offering all of its programming online! Visit their Facebook page or Instagram to discover the schedule for the week!
- Innovation Youth is hosting many activities on its YouTube channel, including Cooking workshops and Science Club
- All E.N.C.O.R.E classes for seniors are currently cancelled
- The Native Friendship Centre is temporarily closed
- Call 211 or visit to discover all the community organisations and resources in the area
- Send us an e-mail at We’d be happy to help and connect you to local resources!
- Donate money, food and supplies to local shelters. Chez Doris, Resilience Montreal and Nazareth House are all in need. Visit the NETWORK website to find out how you can help! It’s updated on a regular basis.
- Volunteer! There are plenty of opportunities at
- Create a Mutual Aid group with your neighbours. Whether it’s a Facebook group or phone tree, lots of people need support right now, from grocery delivery to a listening ear. We can do a lot for each other if we work together.
- Let us know if we missed anything. Know about important resources that aren’t listed here? E-mail us with your suggestions at
- Make a donation to Centraide’s emergency fund to help support food banks, psychological services, and more.
- More ideas via CBC News