Neighbourhood News: Families

The Yellow Door launches Cultural Roulant

The Yellow Door, a non-profit organization based in downtown Montreal, runs intergenerational programming, has launched a new pilot project to bring cultural services to seniors who are home-bound and without internet during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Cultural Roulant, which received funding from the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund,…

Zoom Goose is here for you!

The Parent-Child Mother Goose Program Montreal is a member in good standing of the National Parent Child Mother Goose Program. This French, English and bi-lingual program is a unique parent- child program for 0-3 year-olds. It breaks isolation, promotes parent-child bonding and strengthens parenting skills while supporting emerging literacy and…

Halte-allaitement virtuelle

Comment ça fonctionne les haltes allaitement virtuelles?Vous pourrez posez vos questions sur l'allaitement et discuter avec d'autres parents, des marraines d'allaitement et une infirmière du CLSC ou une consultante en allaitement IBCLC. Tous les vendredi de 10h à 12h et un mercredi sur deux de 13h45 à 15h30, un thème…
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