
Dynamic Job Search Method Workshops

Take part in our FREE Dynamic Method of Job Search workshops ! Innovative and inspired by neuroscience, our workshops are designed to stimulate the mind, the driving force behind all success. While covering the important aspects of the job search, you’ll also focus on the obstacles that are slowing you down in your quest for the ideal job or your career evolution.

These workshops are offered as part of our OSE program, a free job search coaching service. Registration to the program is required to participate in the workshops. Activity offered in person. Would you like to know more about these workshops ?  These workshops are offered every month.

The upcoming dates:

  • From the 20th to the 23rd February 2023
  • From the 13th to the 16th March 2023

Contact the YWCA Montreal to register for upcoming workshops. Phone number: 514 866 9941, poste 416 or on our  Website  or write to cmarzio@ydesfemmesmtl.org