
Post-pandemic Consultation & Exchange

Earlier this year, the Peter-McGill Community Council and CIUSSS West-Central Montreal launched a collective reflection on the process of restauring our communities

Many thanks to all of you ​who participated by responding to a survey sent this summer. You identified key issues, needs, assets and strengths of the neighborhood, after ​the last two years of pandemic crisis.

Following the analysis of the results of this survey, several themes have emerged, and we would like to explore them with you.

We invite you to join with your neighbours for a collective discussion, over coffee and snacks on Thursday, December 8th 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at CJE Centre-Ville, 460 Ste-Catherine West, suite 602. (QC) H3B 1A

SVP, veuillez vous inscrire via ce lien :https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdvXPvlSEjPj51vg2rT22-k8T6NF1rX3Kv3rlv5fTb6tFYdw/viewform