Neighbourhood News

Cybercap is recruiting

The free work preparation program offered by CyberCap enables young people between the ages of 18 to 25 years old who are unemployed and who have not completed high school the possibility to acquire concrete work experience by creating digital productions: computer graphics, web design / programming, 2D animation, video…

My Peter-McGill: A Visit from Centraide and Another Year of Funding

Photo (from left to right) Roselyn Mailhot (Centraide), Christa Smith (Innovation Youth), Luanda Almeida (CJE Centre-Ville), Stéphanie Mauro (DRSP), Catherine Simard (Centraide), Jenna Smith (Innovation Youth), Caroline Lavoie (Fondation Trottier), Stéphane Febbrari (Table de quartier Peter-McGill), Maryse Chapdelaine (Table de quartier Peter-McGill) A Visit from Centraide On May 14th, members…