
There’s so much to do on Mount Royal this Summer

Summer’s finally here! Les Amis de la montagne has organized activities for all ages and all interests. See you on the mountain!

For the young’uns:

  • Day camp: Our team is ready to welcome youngsters aged 6 to 12 as of June 26. There are still a few places left in some age groups, but hurry if you want to register! You’ll find all the details on our website.
  • Group outings: Our counsellors also work with groups of 5-to-12-year-olds from all over Quebec. Are your kids enrolled in other day camps or organized groups? Suggest a day out on Mount Royal, accompanied by members of our team?

For the older crowd: There’s plenty to choose from!

  • Outdoor and discovery activities: Every week, we offer a variety of guided discovery walks. They are a great opportunity to get some fresh air, explore lesser-known areas and reconnect with nature.
  • Cultural activities: Visit our permanent exhibition, The Thousand Faces of Mount Royal: Olmsted, the Visionary, at Smith House | Discover the landscapes, history and culture of Mount Royal at the Paroles de paysages kiosk on Saturday afternoons and occasionally on weekdays.
  • Environmental activities: Do you like to get your hands dirty? Our Environmental Stewardship Program is underway and will continue into the fall. | Are you more of an intellectual type? Meet and chat with the members of our Conservation team at the Conservation Matters kiosk on Friday and Saturday afternoons throughout the summer. | Are you a scientist at heart? Keep an eye on the Eco-Friendly Activities on Mount Royal page of our website to keep abreast of citizen science activities like Mission Monarque and many others.

For one and all: A little of this and a little of that, to enjoy with family and friends!
Rowboat excursions (for two to four people), outdoor games (Finnish bowling, spikeball, etc.), refreshments and snacks (ice cream, beverages, light meals) and great souvenirs of your time on the mountain (exclusive, locally made items) are all available at our various locations:

  • Leaning houses near Beaver Lake: rowboat rentals, souvenirs and a new snack bar.
  • Smith House and Mount Royal Chalet: cafés and gift shops. Please note that the Beaver Lake pavilion will be closed this summer due to major work being carried out by the City of Montréal.

Keep an eye on our website as well as the City’s.
These activities are presented with the support of the City of Montréal.