Urban development
Urban Development
My Peter-McGill
Collective Impact Project - Phase 1
This project involving neighborhood residents and organizations was launched in May 2017 to support the development of public spaces in the neighborhood.
⇒ Regular engagement activities at the farmers’ market
⇒Sharing information about urban enjux in the neighborhood on our social networks
⇒ Initiatives for the former Montreal Children’s Hospital:
- Article : Neighbourhood groups call for inquiry into ‘scandalous’ development at old Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Dépôt de mémoire à l’OCPM (FR)
- VOX POP on housing at the old Children’s Site
⇒ Initiatives of the Royal Vic Coalition for the Public
On September 4, 2020, The Royal Vic Coalition for the Public organized a community walk.
- Open letter from the Royal Vic Coalition for the Public :
It has been signed by over 56 community organizations and any organization can still sign it.- opposing its privatization;
- Insisting that the site be used for the public good;
- Demanding a transparent decision-making process that involves civil society; Promoting an ecological approach to the development of the site.
- Consultations:
The “Our Royal Vic” project is a collaborative research project with CURE McGill (Community University Research Exchange), the Royal Vic Coalition for the Public Good, the Milton Parc Citizens’ Committee, the Peter McGill Neighbourhood Table, and the McGill University Student Association (MUSA). - Submission to the OCPM
Revitalization of the Evangel green space

The Neighbourhood Life Committee, in collaboration with La Pépinière, Evangel and Innovation Jeunes, worked with the community to improve Evangel’s green space. The space is open to the residents and community of Peter-McGill at all times.
Come visit the space!
2205 Tupper Street, H3H 1z4
VOX POP on housing
This summer, our mobilization team collaborated with Louis-Thomas Kelly (Peter-McGill resident), Brandon Kaufman (videographer) and Roulo-Boulo (Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi Montréal Centre-ville) to create a VOX POP at Cabot Square to discuss housing in the neighbourhood and more specifically, on the former site of the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Enjoy this video created by Brandon Kaufman to hear Peter-McGill residents speak out about the lack of affordable, social and family housing in the neighbourhood.
Monitoring of 13 lots subject to a right of first refusal
The right of first refusal allows the City to purchase properties in priority to any other buyer in order to develop projects that benefit the community, such as social housing.
If the City does not wish to purchase the property, it is put on the market.If the neighbourhood hopes to see social housing projects, it is imperative that the city use the right of first refusal to secure.
With the help of student interns from McGill, we conducted a comparative analysis to better determine which of the 13 lots targeted by the right of first refusal are the most suitable for social housing development. these spaces for the community.
Sanaaq Community Center
A community center was one of the fundamental points of the requests during the mobilization efforts for the children’s hospital.
The community center, known as the Sanaaq Center, is currently under construction on the site. The Table is currently working with the Borough to develop the programming and participate in the community lead.
Read more (FR)
Centre Sanaaq : regard sur votre futur centre (FR)

This is Louis-Thomas, a student in urban planning and political science at McGill, who has been hanging out in the Peter McGill neighbourhood for a while. Follow him to meet experts and residents in the neighbourhood and learn more about the issues in the district!
Where is our school?
Gathering and open air classroom in Cabot Square
Action and open air classroom in Cabot Square to support building the neighbourhood’s first public elementary school on the former Montreal Children’s Hospital site.
In the 1st year of the project:
- 2 public elementary schools in the district were announced
- An agreement was signed to create the Peter McGill Integrated Community Centre
- We consulted over 500 residents in our surveys
- We facilitated over 15 activities and workshops, bringing together over 450 people
- Plus de 382 M$ pour 39 nouveaux projets d’agrandissement et de construction d’écoles à Montréal – gouvernement Québec (FR)
- Deux nouvelles écoles verront le jour au centre-ville de Montréal – Radio-canada (FR)
- Feu vert à deux nouvelles écoles au centre-ville de Montréal – La Presse (FR)
- Deux nouvelles écoles primaires au centre-ville de Montréal – Huffpost (FR)
- Il y aura deux nouvelles écoles sur le site du Grand Séminaire de Montréal – radio-canada (FR)
Further information:
⇒ Comité Logement Ville-Marie (FR)
- Les types de logements sociaux (FR)
- Logemenet social existant (FR)
- Projets en développement (FR)
- Défense de droit: Boîte à outils (FR)
⇒ Front d’action populaire en réaménagement urbain (FR)
- Campagnes en cours: Pour du logement social maintenant! (FR)
- Documents (FR)
- Bulletins (FR)
- Besoin d’un logement social (FR)
⇒ 211 Grand Montréal – Housing
- Housing search assistance
- Emergency
- Advocacy for housing
- Housing Cooperatives and Corporations
- Logements sociaux et coopératives d’habitation
⇒ Gouvernement du Québec – Homes and Housing
- Financial Assistance for Housing
- Tribunal administratif du logement (EN)
- Société d’habitation Québec (EN)
- Un promoteur poursuit Montréal pour éviter des logements sociaux (FR)
- Montrealers, including ex-mayor, demand answers after developer backs out of promises (EN)
- Neighbourhood groups call for inquiry into ‘scandalous’ development at old Montreal Children’s Hospital (EN)
- Daybreak Montreal: The future of the old Montreal Children’s Hospital site (EN)
- La consultation publique sur le projet immobilier Square Children’s bloquée par une poursuite judiciare (FR)
- Archive des séances d’audition des opinions- OCPM Ancien hôpital Royal Victoria (FR)
- Le don de l’ancien Royal Victoria à McGill coûterait plus d’un milliard aux Québécois (FR)
- L’école Victoria et l’engagement écocitoyen (FR)
- Plans to transform part of old Royal Vic into McGill University academic centre nears final stage (EN)
- Marche contre la privatisation de l’ancien hôpital Royal Victoria (FR)
- Le projet Royal Victoria passe une nouvelle étape. Voici ce qu’il faut savoir
- L'Association du Village Shaughnessy
- McGill Social Equity and Diversity Office (SEDE)
- Rayside | Labossière
- Société pour l'action, l'éducation et la sensibilisation environnementale de Montréal (SAESEM)
- St Jax Montréal
- Downtown YMCA
- Résident-e-s du quartier Peter-McGill
The committee
Neighbourhood Life
aims to bring people together to bring life to the
the Peter McGill neighbourhood!
let's bring our neighborhood to life
Your voice is at the heart of the project!
Get involved in creating a neighbourhood that reflects you.
There are many ways to get involved!
Le projet est financé par le Projet Impact Collectif et porté par la Table de quartier Peter-McGill avec le soutien de plusieurs organismes communautaires, incluant Innovation jeunes et le Centre jeunesse emploi Montréal – centre-ville.